View Our Mid-Century Article of furniture on Craigslist

Bay Area Mid-Century Furniture Source

Some of our customers accept told us that we have the largest supply of vintage mid-century article of furniture in Northern California. Nosotros don't know if that'southward true, but we encourage y'all to browse our inventory online to determine for yourself. Our Bay Surface area article of furniture store carries pieces made in Sweden, Kingdom of denmark, & Norway along with a number of American-made items every bit well. If you're curious nigh a given piece'south origin, we'll e'er annotation information technology in the item's clarification on Craigslist. Our inventory includes a number of tables, chairs, & buffets to outfit your kitchen or dining room. And if you're looking to freshen upwards your bedroom, we carry mid-century headboards, nightstands, & dressers.

Mid-Century Furniture in SF Bay Area CA

Vintage Furniture in the SF Bay Area

Given that much of our furniture is vintage, the pieces tend to be made with superior quality. Going back several decades, fewer article of furniture pieces contained materials like MDF & participial board. This allows for the furniture to better withstand exposure to water & wet. Of course, vintage furniture isn't allowed to scratches and stains. If a given slice has whatsoever sort of damage on it, nosotros'll be upfront nigh the item'southward status. Every item description we write is meant to be completely transparent. At the finish of the twenty-four hour period, our goal is to always Keep Piece of furniture Vintage.

Most of our inventory contains original furniture built in the 30s, 40s, 50s, & 60s. These pieces are the real deal—nosotros source them from older bay area homes to ensure that nosotros accept the most authentic choice. While we exercise find modernistic remakes, we accept actress intendance to distinguish the original pieces separately.

Mid-Century Desk SF Bay Area CA

Shop Modern Furniture in Northern CA

If you alive in one of the Bay Expanse's Eichler homes, yous have to outfit it with mid-century modern article of furniture. The precipitous lines and plain shapes seen throughout your business firm need the same advent on the inside. As well, the flavor of the flavour for new construction in the SF Bay Area is modern style. The new apartment buildings and condos all embody the square lines of contemporary blueprint with newer eco-friendly amenities. Thus, at that place's no better way to furnish your new pad than with modern furniture.

When you shop at Anson's Furniture & Relieve, you can have pleasure in know that used furniture comes with minimal ecology impact. There's no better fashion to conserve trees and water than to reuse a quality table or chair. Furthermore, Anson'southward Furniture & Salvage is proud to announce that our diesel truck is stocked with clean idling engineering science and gets meliorate MPG than its gas counterpart. Thus, Bay Surface area furniture deliveries are now even more efficient!

Mid-Century Furniture Store San Jose

Anson's Furniture & Save is proud to serve the post-obit Bay Area cities: