Diy Silca Bike Pump Hardware Store Diy

I wanted a niggling summer project that wouldn't take me all that long, or cost all that much money. I decided I'd track downwardly an older Silca Pista pump and bring some new life back to information technology. I tracked one downward on ebay that was as complete as I could notice, at least with the more of import brass bits, without spending over $100 on the thing. Found ane with a broken handle that I could work with.

Some of them patently accept industry dates stamped onto them, but none of the listings I could find listed the engagement of manufacture, or showed a picture show of the date postage stamp. I figured I'd buy one, then have to wait and run across once I got my hands on information technology.



The one I got apparently has no such stamp. Information technology's definitely got some historic period on it, merely I can't exist certain. I effigy it has to be at least mid-1980's or a little older. Mine looks a decent bit newer than the 1979 pump I linked above. Either way, the modern iteration of Silca still sells a bunch of the parts to maintain these sometime pumps so I didn't think it would be any trouble to maintain it.

After lubricating the former leather washer and inspecting the pump, I came up with a parts list that I'd demand. I opted not to purchase ane of Silca's rebuild kits since the gauge appeared functional. I also decided to purchase some 3/16″ rubber hose from McMaster Carr instead of the replacement hose Silca sells, because I wanted a slightly longer hose.


The existing leather washer was actually in functional shape. I decided to supercede it, anyhow, because I just wanted to freshen the whole matter up. The rubber seal in the chuck was completely done, though. And the plastic threaded bit above the leather washer you run across in the picture show above, apparently has a tendency to crack, so I decided to replace it with stainless hardware at present and stay ahead of it. I besides wanted a scrap more than flexibility with chucks, so I got a threaded schraeder chuck to keep the finish of the hose. I've had a Silca disc wheel presta chuck for quite some fourth dimension that I could just thread onto it.


First footstep was the plunger parts bandy. I had to status the new leather washer with the lube. Information technology'south similar in texture to Phil Forest Tenacious Oil, but a touch lighter, for reference.

Removing the old parts required a 17mm socket or wrench. The hardware kit Silca sells includes washers for both sizes of leather washers (and pump barrels), and then use the appropriate washer for your pump. You'll note that I'thousand using the 731 leather washer, and therefore used the thick washer.




To remove the barrel from the base of operations and the judge/valve assembly, you'll need a 5mm hex key to remove these two bolts from the underside of the base.


There'due south a tiny piddling o-band between the butt and the valve associates. It'll probably exist stuck to i of the parts, but be conscientious not to lose this little thing. Y'all should probably inspect it to brand sure it's even so pliable and volition seal. Silca doesn't sell this part, but you tin probably find a replacement at a hardware store. I gave these parts all expert cleanings while I had them disassembled.


While you've got everything apart, you might also clean/inspect the cheque valve. It's inside the contumely housing hither (what I'thousand calling the valve associates), and is accessed by removing the brass nut at the finish. This requires a 12mm wrench. I actually did this step last, because once I reassembled my pump and tested information technology on a tire, the pressure in the tire would cause the pump handle to rise. Something was preventing the check valve from endmost properly. Inspecting and cleaning the check valve at present will requite you the run a risk to order a new one if this turns out to be necessary.



Once you lot've got the valve out, clean and inspect the spring, the terminate of the valve, and the rubber o-ring most the tip. Yous should exist able to just pull information technology out of the cap, just there will exist a little resistance, peculiarly if in that location'due south crud buildup. It might also be useful to use the blow gun attachment of your air compressor to clear whatever droppings out of the housing. Using a flashlight to look within tin help you figure out if there's any debris you lot missed. When finished, reassemble.

My pump had the reversible chuck, and so I needed the 323 elastomer seal for replacement. At this point, I pried the old, crusty 1 out with a small screwdriver and fit the new one, fifty-fifty though I'one thousand not reinstalling this chuck.


I didn't take pics of this step, just I had to cut the old, stiff hose off with a utility knife, since information technology wouldn't pull off of the barbs. The hose clamps I take simply require pliers, and I decided to reuse them on the new hose. I pressed the hose onto the pump valve associates fitting, likewise as pressed the threaded schraeder chuck onto the free end. I refit the hose clamps and installed my disc bicycle chuck, aka, "crackpipe."


I still accept the old, broken handle on it since I oasis't figured out what I'g going to use every bit a replacement still. I'll probably make a wooden handle. Silca also doesn't have replacement handles for sale, though I did discover an exact replacement handle for sale on ebay. I just think $26 for the handle plus $3 shipping is steep for a lump of old plastic. My broken handle works fine for at present until I piece of work something out.

You'll also notice in the moving-picture show to a higher place that the chuck is sticking to the pump barrel. I'm using a modest rare earth magnet that I had sitting in my toolbox. The magnet won't stick to the base (obviously cast aluminum), the threaded schraeder chuck (stainless steel), or to the presta chuck (aluminum), then all I've got is the hose clench. Simply it's enough magnetic steel to work.

This old Silca Pista pump works well at present. It'southward going to wind up being 1 of the pumps that I travel with. I take 3 floor pumps correct at present. One lives in the garage total time. Another lives in my camper. I'll probably put i in my car, also. I call back this old Silca will wind up being my camper pump, only because the base allows information technology to shop more easily/compactly. The i that has been in my camper will probably exist moved to my motorcar, since information technology'south a pretty cheap pump that I don't care much about.

For what it's worth, I can't really tell how accurate the gauge on this pump is. It seems fine. But the outer gradations on the gauge apply bars, and the inner uses psi. Since I primarily use psi for my pressures, and since I'm as well dealing with very depression pressures on about of my bikes (below 20psi on all of the mtb'south, and below 10psi on my fatbike), it's difficult to tell exactly what the gauge is telling me. I use 30psi Meiser accu-gages to give pressure readings, anyway.

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